Thursday, September 10, 2009
Birth Story - If you're so inclined
At 5:30am on August 28th (Ashley's due date), we were laying in bed and I felt somewhat of a small gush. I knew it felt different, so I got up to check it out. I thought it was my water breaking, and was actually worried that as I got out of bed that I would leak all over the floor! Luckily that didn't happen, but there was quite a bit of clear fluid that had leaked out. I cleaned up and changed and told Cuong what had happened. I told him that he had better stay home from work because that definitely wasn't normal!
I didn't feel any contractions start, so I tried walking around our bedroom and eventually headed downstairs to try walking around down there. I grabbed some toast to eat and then called Labor & Delivery. They ask you to call so they can let you know if one hospital is too busy and you need to go to another one. I spoke to the Triage nurse and told her what had happened. She told me to take my time, take a shower, eat something and that I have up to six hours to come to the hospital. I did what she said. Cuong and I took a walk up to the park to try to get contractions started, took a shower and then had some more toast to eat.
We headed to the hospital a little later and check in at the Labor & Delivery Triage center. They brought me into an observation room and hooked me up to a monitor to check the baby's heart rate and for contractions. I was having inconsistent, non-painful contractions and Ashley's heart rate was perfect.
A Midwife came in to verify that my water had actually broken and told me that I should have come in right away when my water broke. I told her that the nurse told me I had up to 6 hours to come in and she said, "No, we want you to be in ACTIVE labor by 6 hours!" Hmph, so much for listening to what the nurse said! At this point, I was about 1 1/2 cm dilated.
Since I wasn't having consistent contractions, they recommended that I be admitted into a Delivery room and started on Pitocin (12pm). I really didn't want to have to get Pitocin while I was in labor, but I knew that it needed to be done since my water had broken and they like to get the baby out within 24 hours after that. So I got a huge, nasty IV put into my and and they started me on some fluids and Pitocin.
After your water breaks, you're more susceptible to infection, so they try not to check you for dilation as often. Three hours after they started me on Pitocin I was only 2 cm dilated (3pm).
Normally people would be up out of bed, walking around to try to entice labor to become more active, but since my water had broken, I was still leaking a little bit of fluid whenever I would get out of bed. I figured it wouldn't be a pretty sight to have the leaky girl out in the hallways!
Three hours later she checked me again and I was only at 3cm (6pm). She told me that she was going to insert an internal fetal monitor instead of using the one that was strapped onto my belly. That way they would be able to see the baby's heart beat and the contractions better and know whether or not they needed to up my dosage of Pitocin. After inserting the internal monitor, the Midwife told me that since it was a "foreign" object, it might actually increase the timing and pain of the contractions. The L&D nurse told me that I could get the epidural at that point if I wanted it. I told her I would think about it since I was only 3cm dilated. It just seemed too early to me to get it. About a 1/2 hour later, I told Cuong to get the nurse because I needed the epidural! It was amazing how fast the hard contractions came on! The nurse had to give me a bag of fluids before I was able to get the epidural, but she paged for them to come down when I was ready. The doctor came in and administered the epidural and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be! Phew! It was definitely a relief to get! (7pm)
At about 9pm, the Midwife checked me again and I was only at 4cm. At this point, I was starting to get worried. I was progressing only 1cm per 3 hours! I really didn't even want to think about having to have a C-Section! Luckily the Midwife said that you're considered in "active" labor when you reach 4cm and she was anticipating that things would move more quickly now.
After getting the epidural, things were great. I just had to keep my eye on the clock and make sure I turned to the other side about every 45 minutes to keep the medicine from only flowing to one side of my body. Like clockwork, after another three hours, the Midwife checked me again and I was at 8cm! Woah!! Now that was fast! (approx Midnight) It made me feel much better though to know that I was progressing and ALMOST there!
I started to feel more pressure as Ashley was moving further down. The nurse was monitoring the contractions and Ashley's heart rate and saw that every time I had a contraction her heart rate was dipping. To counteract that, they had me breathe with an oxygen mask on. Thankfully that helped and her heart rate remained fairly steady throughout the contractions.
A little while later the Midwife came in and checked me again. I was at 10cm, but she wanted me to "labor down" a little bit and allow Ashley to move further down the birth canal so I wouldn't have to push as long. She estimated that I would be ready to push in about an hour. She said that first time moms generally push for anywhere between one to four hours.
About a half hour later I told Cuong and the nurse that I felt like I was ready to push. The nurse checked and said that the baby had definitely made her way down. She went to go get the Midwife to deliver the baby....but she was delivering ANOTHER baby right at that moment and wouldn't be able to come in. She said that I could go ahead and start pushing. She must have figured that it still would be a while.
The nurse came back in and said that I could start pushing with each contraction. So I had Cuong on one side of me and the nurse on the other to help hold my legs. After pushing for a while, I think the nurse was starting to get nervous because Ashley's head was getting closer and closer! After I had pushed for about 40 minutes, she paged for the OBGYN who was on call. He came in and about 10 minutes later, Ashley made her debut.
She came out with her eyes wide open and ready to greet the world with a good loud cry!
She weighed 7lbs, 6 oz. and was 19 inches long.
While she was under the baby warmer she reached up and grabbed onto Cuong's finger with a good strong grip! She was so alert and beautiful!
More to come later....
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Officially on Baby Watch
We just got back from a doctor's appointment and the midwife says that we're officially on baby watch! Ashley is in position and will be considered "full term" on Friday (37 weeks). My hospital bag is packed, car seat is installed and the nursery is ready! I haven't had any consistent contractions, so there's no impending labor! Don't worry!
Over the past 2 months, we've had 4 baby showers!! They were all so helpful and wonderful!
Next, in July, we had a shower with Cuong's co-workers from Santa Fe Springs. We had lots of fun...and we got the much needed stroller! Yay!

Monday, July 13, 2009
33 Weeks
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Woohoo!! I'm famous!!
Last summer she mailed out 10 boxes around the U.S. with a pair of yellow sunglasses and instructions on what to do next inside. Apparently my group's box was the only one that made it back to her after it had been sent to all of the assigned recipients.
I remember how much I looked forward to receiving that box on my doorstep, so I'm glad that everyone followed through and got all of our pages back to her.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Rest in Peace, Grandpa

He definitely had a great & memorable life. He was married to his sweetheart for 62 loving years, had to children, 3 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren (including Ashley). He was fully aware that Ashley would be born in August and I think he was trying hang on just to see her be born and grow up. Now he can look down from heaven and see her anytime he'd like.
After learning that he had been admitted to the hospital on Monday night, I drove down to San Diego on Tuesday afternoon. Due to a leak in his feeding tube that was tapping into this stomach, he had developed a massive infection in his abdomen area. Because of his age and condition (suffering a stroke about 3 months before), the doctors were unsure about even administering antibiotics to him. He definitely would not be able to survive another surgery to try and remove any of the toxins.
When I arrived to the hospital on Tuesday afternoon, my grandma, mom and uncle were already in his room. I walked in and my grandpa opened his eyes. He looked at me and said, "I love you". My grandma asked him if he knew who I was and he quietly said, "She's one of my sweethearts." After his stroke he sometimes had a hard time recalling peoples' names, but definitely knew who they were and that they were important to him. Those were the last words he said to me. We left the hospital that evening and headed back to my grandma's house.
The next day (Wednesday), we headed back to the hospital after we at breakfast. By then, my dad and great-aunt had joined us at the hospital. My brother had left Arizona around 9:00am and was making the 7+ hour trip to San Diego. My grandparents' pastor had spoken to the family earlier in the week and encouraged everyone to tell him that you loved him, tell him that we will all be okay and take care of each other and it's okay and he can let go.
I think it was one of the most heart wrenching ordeals I had ever been through. I went through plenty of kleenex, that's for sure. To see my grandma go up to his bedside and look into his eyes, tell him she loved him, and that it was okay to let go...that just got me all worked up. You could see the deep, unending love in both of their eyes and just feel the love and power between them. I couldn't imagine having to do that.
We had been at the hospital for a few hours and lunch time started to roll around. We were hesitant about leaving, but my grandma kept telling us that we needed to eat. She and my great-aunt said together in the room where my grandpa was. Reluctantly, my mom, dad, uncle and I headed to the hospital cafeteria. We had just barely sat down and began to eat when my great-aunt comes rushing in and tell us to pack up our stuff and come back to the room. He was nearing his last breaths. She darted back to the room and we began to pack up our food and head back. By the time we reached his room, we were probably about 20 seconds too late and the nurse was confirming the lack of heart beat.
It was a very tough thing to have happen. Cuong called shortly after he had passed and I could barely compose myself to tell him what was going on. A little while later, Cuong met us at the hospital.
He will most definitely be missed. He was the type of grandpa who had unending stories to tell. I don't think I had heard very many of them twice. He would tell us about his days serving in the Army in WWII, in the Philippines and in New Guinea. About the native people they would come across, the wild animals they would have for dinner, the gigantic snakes in the trees, the beautiful orchids that were covering the waterfalls, etc. He had so many experiences and so much knowledge to share.
Things won't be the same without him, but I know he is in a much better place now. He can look down on all of us and we'll know he's always there. He'll be there in the thunder (bowling a strike!), in the gentle breeze and in the refreshing rain.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Hummingbird Nest
Gestational Diabetes Test
My blood had to be drawn an hour after I finished the drink. I felt fine after the test, but just like my stomach had a huge sugar overload. I didn't want anything sweet to eat or drink the rest of the day.
Turns out, my blood sugar level came out at 135 and they don't want to see anything higher than 130. So since it was higher than their maximum level, I had to go for the 3-hour test.
I had to fast for 12 hours prior to going into the lab. So I had to stop eating on Monday night at 8pm (which is hard for a pregnant chick!). We got to the lab on Tuesday morning around 8am and I got my blood drawn so they could see my "fasting" blood sugar level. Then the lady who drew my blood gave me another one of those orange drinks that I had to down in front of her. Then I had to come back in an hour to get my blood drawn again. When all was said and done, I had 4 holes in my arms!
I got an email from Kaiser yesterday afternoon and it looks like all of my levels came out below their maximum levels. Yay!!! Now I need to try to avoid my cravings for sweets and try to eat a healthy diet.
4D Ultrasound

Thursday, May 28, 2009
I was tagged!!
What is your weirdest obsession? I get random urges to majorly clean. I don't know where that comes from! haha
What are you wearing today? Jeans and a black shirt and used to hide my tummy. Now I can't really hide it.
What's for dinner? Most likely Zito's Pizza. Mmmmmm. My parents are coming over and I don't think my dad can come into the city of Orange without having Zito's. He's addicted. hehe
What would you eat for your last meal? I had some toast and chocolate soy milk this morning after my Gestational Diabetes test this morning. I get the results on Monday. I really hope they come out okay! I would HATE to have to do the 3 hour test!
What's the last thing you bought? Some groceries at Target
What are you listening to right now? Nothing, just the hum of the laptop.
What is your favorite ice-cream flavour? I think my all time favorite it Mint Chocolate Chip. But I love Rocky Road and any combination of chocolate & peanut butter.
What do you think of the person who tagged you? She's wonderful!! Best sister-in-law I could ask for! I'm excited that she'll be an Auntie and be able to see her niece more often than she sees her nephews.
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? Shoot, I agree with Connie! Why not Hawaii??
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? I would love to go to a tropical island and lay on the beach (minus a preggo belly!)
Which language do you want to learn? I wish Vietnamese was easier to learn!
What's your favorite quote (for now)? "God won't give you more than you can handle"
What is your favorite colour? I like blues, greens & pinks
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe? Jeans and comfy shirts
What is your dream job? Stay at home mom and maybe making some money on the side doing something I enjoy.
What's your favourite magazine? I always get so excited when my scrapbook magazines come in the mail and I also like Real Simple mag.
If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on? If someone conveniently gave me $100 right now, I'd use it to buy a gift for someone. Otherwise, I'd probably just go shopping for some clothes that I can wear during summer.
Favorite designer? I generally don't buy anything "designer" that's a tough question. I'm trying to think if I have anything "designer" in my closet! haha
Do you admire any one's style? I admire bits and pieces of a few people's styles, but I don't know if I'd be able to pull it off.
Describe your personal style? Simple, Comfortable, semi-cute. haha
What are you going to do after this? Take a shower
What are your favourite movies? Any comedy, romantic-comedy, etc.
What's your favourite fruit? Green apples, asian pears, plums, pineapple, kiwi, mango
What inspires you? In life - lots of people; for creativity - blogs,, scrapbook mags
What is on the walls in your bedroom? We have a mirror on the wall and a painting of a flower
Your favorite book ?Of all time? I like Nicholas Sparks books.
Do you collect something ? Does hording scrapbooking supplies count?!?
The rules :
1. Respond and rework; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention, add one more question of your own.
2. Tag three other people.
No pressure but if any of you or anyone else would like to take part please do! Just post a link in the comments so I can come read your answers. Have a fun day!!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Tomas Drew Mendoza is here!
We had a chance to visit Yolanda & Paul at the hospital last night and saw Tomas when he was only about 3 1/2 hours old! Yolanda will be in the hopsital for another day or two and then she'll be discharged to go home.
We can't wait to see little Tomas as he grows!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Ultrasound Pictures

New Car!!

Now we just need to sell Cuong's car. 1995 Accord anyone???

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
100 things
Copy this and BOLD everything that applies...
1. Started your own blog.
2. Slept under the stars.
3. Played in a band.
4. Visited Hawaii.
5. Watched a meteor shower.
6. Given more than you can afford to charity.
7. Been to Disneyland.
8. Climbed a mountain. I rock climbed a huge rock, does that count?
9. Held a praying mantis.
10. Sang a solo. I haven't sang one, but I've played some on my trumpet
11. Bungee jumped.
12. Visited Paris.
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea.
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch.
15. Adopted a child.
16. Had food poisoning.
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty.
18. Grown your own vegetables.
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France.
20. Slept on an overnight train.
21. Had a pillow fight.
22. Hitch hiked.
23. Taken a sick day when you're not sick. Rarely
24. Built a snow fort.
25. Held a lamb.
26. Gone skinny dipping.
27. Run a marathon.
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice.
29. Seen a total eclipse.
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset.
31. Hit a home run. On a tiny field
32. Been on a cruise.
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person.
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors. Does Illinois count? haha
35. Seen an Amish community.
36. Taught yourself a new language.
37. Had enough money to truly be satisfied. Working on it
38. Seen the leaning tower of Pisa in person.
39. Gone rock climbing.
40. Seen Michelangelo's David.
41. Sung karaoke.
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt.
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant. Hopefully one day
44. Visited Africa.
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight.
46. Been transported in an ambulance.
47. Had your portrait painted.
48. Gone deep sea fishing.
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person.
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling.
52. Kissed in the rain.
53. Played in the mud.
54. Gone to a drive-in theater.
55. Been in a movie.
56. Visited the Great Wall of China.
57. Started a business.
58. Taken a martial arts class.
59. Visited Russia.
60. Served in a soup kitchen.
61. Sold Girl Scout cookies.
62. Gone whale watching.
63. Gotten flowers for no reason.
64. Donated blood, platelets, or plasma.
65. Gone sky diving.
66. Visited a Nazi concentration camp.
67. Bounced a check.
68. Flown in a helicopter.
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy.
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial.
71. Eaten caviar.
72. Pieced a quilt.
73. Stood in Times Square.
74. Toured the Everglades.
75. Been fired from a job.
76. Seen the changing of the guards in London.
77. Broken a bone.
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle.
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person.
80. Published a book.
81. Been to the Vatican.
82. Bought a brand new car.
83. Walked in Jerusalem.
84. Had your picture in the paper.
85. Read the entire Bible.
86. Visited the White House. I saw the grounds, but we didn't get to go inside.
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating.
88. Had Chicken pox.
89. Saved someone's life.
90. Sat on a jury.
91. Met someone famous.
92. Joined a book club.
93. Lost a loved one.
94. Had a baby. Working on that one too.
95. Seen the Alamo in person.
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake.
97. Been involved in a lawsuit.
98. Owned a cell phone.
99. Been stung by a bee.
100. Read an entire book in one day.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
We're wheelin' and dealin'!

We used our $5 off Huggies coupon to get the bag of 187 wipes for 99 cents. The salsa, pledge, and applesauce were completly free. I think we paid a few cents for the fruit chillers, and the same for the Cheetos. Normally for a bill totaling $8, you'd be able to buy the Fritos cheese sauce and the salsa. So essentially, we got everything else for free!
We discovered that is a great way to print your own coupons at home! You just select which coupons you want to print, and then you're ready to go!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
19 1/2 weeks

I think my tummy is getting bigger as each week passes by. According to what I've been reading in books and websites, my belly button might start to get sore soon. My uterus will be moving upwards and actually start creeping behind my belly button. They say that it will be rubbing against the back of it. We'll see how long the belly button ring stays in.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
It's a...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Connie!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Week 16
Baby Shower
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
New Ultrasounds! 14.5 weeks
She put in an order for an ultrasound in the Radiology department for the big ultrasound to check for the vital organs...and sex. So my appointment will probably be towards the end of the month. I can't wait! I hope the baby is in a good position so we can find out the sex.
Here are the ultrasounds we got this morning. I added some text to make it easier to figure out, but it's getting much easier now that the baby is getting bigger and looking more human!

Monday, March 2, 2009
14 Weeks

Note: This shirt was very clingy, so it exaggerated the bump. But my stomach definitely looks different than it did in the past!
At 14 weeks, the baby is about 3 1/2 inches long - about the size of a lemon.
GREAT Grandparents

My grandma had my grandpa read the note outloud. After he read it, he gasped and got a big smile on his face. My grandma was crying, gave me a hug and said how happy she was! My grandpa was a little teary eyed, gave me a hug and said how lucky he was. My grandma then turned to him and said, "We made it Paul. Now just hang in there!" They're so funny. My grandpa has been in and out of the hospital a lot in the past few years, so I was really glad to be able to tell them this good news while he's still healthy.
The big announcements!

On Friday night, Cuong's parents came up and brought some yummy crab and his mom made one of my favorite Vietnamese dishes! Yum! After dinner, Cuong went upstairs and grabbed 2 gift bags. He told them that we had gotten them matching gifts and them asked them to open them at the same time.
Cuong's dad was so excited, he jumped out of his chair, ran over, gave me a big hug and said, "THANK YOU!" It was so great to see such an enthusiastic reaction! :) Cuong's parents were so happy to be having a 4th grandchild and then reminded him that he needed to help out around the house and make sure I wasn't carrying heavy things or reaching up too high.
On Sunday, my parents came over to the house. We had some delicious lunch at Zito's Pizza, and then we headed back to the house to figure out our electrical and sprinkler problems. After successfully figuring one of them out, we headed back into the house. Now it was my turn to go upstairs to get the gift bags! Once again, we said we had gotten them matching gifts and to open them at the same time. My dad, being a smarty-pants, said "Why do we have to open them at the same time if they match? Just have mom open hers!" Grrr! To which I responded, "Just open it!" My mom was surprised and then gave me a hug and said congratulations and then commented that she couldn't believe she was going to be a grandmother!
Doctor's Appointments

My second appointment was about 3 weeks later, January 29th. This time my appointment was with my OB/GYN. She talked to us about genetic testing during the first trimester to check for the possibility of having a high or low risk of birth defects. There was also an option to wait until the 2nd trimester to do the testing. We decided that the 2nd trimester was better suited for us. It gave us more of a choice of what would happen even if the test came back saying that there was a higher risk.
My blood tests came back and everything looked normal as far as being a carrier for Cystic Fibrosis or being anemic, etc.
At this appointment they were able to do another ultrasound to check the baby's development and heartbeat. The doctor said that things looked to be progressing normally and that the heartbeat was strong. The baby looked a little more "human" during this ultrasound. Believe it or not, the head is on the right side and the legs were still developing on the left side. The doctor said she could even see a little hand!

Our next appointment is this Wednesday, so we're excited to see what else we can learn!
I'm back!

Since I still couldn't belive it, I ended up taking the 2nd pregnancy test later in the day. I called Cuong to tell him that it definitely said YES on it too!
Talk about a Christmas present!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Obama Inauguration - Jan. 20th 2009

Christmas Decorations