We're semi-moved in now. Our bed is on the floor in one of the spare bedrooms for now. Cuong and I have been busy unpacking all of the boxes we have....but we're making pretty good progress. Our kitchen is pretty much put away. All of the glassware, silverware, cooking utensils, etc are in their new places. We've been cleaning and getting all of the necessary things done.
The locksmith came out and changed the locks, the cable guy came out and hooked up the tvs and computers, the fireplace guy came out to fix the hearth, and the refrigerator got delivered! Yes!
On Saturday I looked out the window into the backyard...and I saw a bunny!! It was so cute! Apparently it fit through the crack between the two block walls. They're so quick! I was rummaging for the camera, but it had darted away before I could turn the camera on! Maybe next time.... a little pre-Easter bunny!
The carpet cleaning guy is coming on Wednesday...just before our big move on Saturday. Our poor furniture and boxes have been in storage for 9 months now. The boxes are starting to collapse on one another...not good.
The locksmith came out and changed the locks, the cable guy came out and hooked up the tvs and computers, the fireplace guy came out to fix the hearth, and the refrigerator got delivered! Yes!
On Saturday I looked out the window into the backyard...and I saw a bunny!! It was so cute! Apparently it fit through the crack between the two block walls. They're so quick! I was rummaging for the camera, but it had darted away before I could turn the camera on! Maybe next time.... a little pre-Easter bunny!
The carpet cleaning guy is coming on Wednesday...just before our big move on Saturday. Our poor furniture and boxes have been in storage for 9 months now. The boxes are starting to collapse on one another...not good.

It will be really nice once we can unpack all of our stuff and start LIVING in our new house! :)

BTW, we leave for Maui on April 3rd. I think I'm going to need a spray tan....I am butt white! haha
Love the pic of the house with the lights on. Did you use the new camera for that? No flash?
Thanks. Yup, new camera, no flash. I tried a flash version also, but it got really washed out. Yuck.
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