I'm lucky that Warmington is giving all of their employees the time off between Christmas and New Years!! Yay!! The crazy thing is that we're going to be busy the entire time!
This Saturday we're heading down to Oceanside. We'll be staying with the Tacazon/Nguyen family for the weekend and until Christmas day. It will be good to see everyone, and of course the nieces! We usually see everyone at Thanksgiving, but since we were in Arizona, that didn't pan out.
Christmas morning, we'll wake up and open presents with the girls, and then we'll head back up to Costa Mesa for lunch. My grandparents and great-aunt from San Diego will be joining us also. My mom will be preparing the usual honey baked ham. YUM! After lunch we'll open some more gifts with the Dressler/Papineau bunch.
The day after Christmas we'll be heading out to Vegas again. We booked 2 nights at the Palms, for a great deal! It'll be a little get away for us and we can do whatever we want! :)
On Friday we were invited to my friend Cristina's mom's 60th Birthday party in Santa Barbara. Cristina has been going to school on the east coast for a number of years now. She wasn't able to come to the wedding...and she's never met Cuong before, so we HAVE to go. It'll be a long drive from Vegas to Santa Barbara, but I've known Cristina since I was 2 years old and she was 1!! I might as well take the opportunity to hang out with her and celebrate her mom's birthday.
My parents are planning on going to Arizona for New Year's, so we'll have the house to ourselves. We don't have anything planned, so it might just be a night in for us. We'll ring in 2008 quietly.
I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a wonderful and safe New Year!!