From the major street corner looking back up towards Anaheim Hills/Yorba Linda. That's our house on the right.
Since it was getting pretty close and embers were flying all over the place, I started making up an "Evacuation Packing List". I even started putting all of my scrapbooking stuff my the door. These are my albums and pictures....it looks like so much more stuff once I pulled it out of the cabinets.
Towards the early morning, I had run out of things to do..and out of adhesive! Luckily Ever After had a little mini store set up. I was able to pick up some paper and adhesive right there!
Luckily I had brought pictures from the Fraternity days, so I made a little mini album. Here are a few pages:
Cuong had planted a green bell pepper plant out in our little "garden". Recently that's been getting eaten up pretty badly. I went out there after work yesterday to check it out. More munching had occurred! I was about to walk away when I saw the biggest caterpillar I had ever seen! I ran inside to get another Tupperware cup. He wouldn't let me just scrap him off the branch...so I ran back inside and grabbed a chopstick. I figured I would just flip him into the cup. That didn't work either! That sucker was STRONG! My only option was to cut his little branch off and then put the whole thing in my cup.
I watched him periodically while watching the debate. He munched away on the little branch. You could actually hear him eating by just sitting there!
This morning I took this picture and he had practically eaten everything I had already given him! Little pig!
It can get pretty backed up as everyone is trying to get on the freeway. Luckily there are 3 entrance lanes!
This is what I usually grab in the morning. My granola bar, my Trader Joe's chocolate soy milk and a bottle of water...then I'm off!
At work...that's my phone. I tried to take pictures while no one was looking. People would probably think I was crazy...or a spy.
Heading home! I'm on the 55 North. My exit is only 2 exits after the 22 Freeway splits off!
There's my exit! I'm almost home!
Fixing one of Cuong's new favorite dinners: Chicken Chilaquiles w/ Chipotle chiles. See that little box of frozen cilantro?! It's from Trader Joe's. There are little frozen cubes of cilantro. That way you don't have to worry about having fresh cilantro on hand when you need it!
Another dinner. Crispy Ginger-Lime chicken with cous cous and salad.
A super easy dessert! Crispy sugared wonton skins layered with whipped cream and strawberries. Yum!
A Sneak Peek Into the Life of Lauren