Back on July 19th, we attended the wedding of Cuong’s second cousin. We only were present the reception. Apparently the ceremonies were all day events which included a lot of traveling.
The reception was held at a Chinese seafood restaurant in Monterey Park. There were about 400 people! The section of the restaurant we were in was packed! Soon after we arrived, they introduced the wedding party and the bride & groom. The groom wore a shnazzy tuxedo and the bride wore a beautiful ivory mermaid style dress.

They had many large flower arrangements throughout the reception area. Each table had its own centerpiece, with styles that varied by table. Some tables had low, full flower arrangements while others (like ours) had beautiful tree-like centerpieces with votives and orchid flowers hung throughout.

They had about a 7-course meal. I had never had any of the dishes before. Believe it or not…it was the first time I had tried scallops (GASP!) and to my surprise, I liked them! Cuong said that they were the best course of the night.
After many speeches, songs, and the magic show, it was time for dancing! It was about that time when the older crowd started to leave. They had their fill of seafood and VSOP and were ready to head home.
We danced a little bit, but didn’t stay too much longer, as we had carpooled with Cuong’s parents. They had been up since early in the morning and had participated in the full events of the day.
Overall, I’m glad we were able to go. It was something different for me to experience. One thing I wish I saw was the bride change into the different outfits. To my surprise, she stayed in her wedding dress the whole night. I was looking forward to all of the different outfits. Oh well…maybe we’ll go to another Asian wedding sometime in the future!